In her latest book, the #1 best-selling, award-winning Little Series of children’s picture books author Sheri Fink, tells us a heartwarming tale of her new character, the little dragon who is busy dealing with many complex emotions. He’s angry, scared, lonely, and embarrassed. Sounds like a normal day, especially in younger children, where emotions are hardly predictable! A book like this demonstrates how we all can feel overwhelmed with emotions and not really know how to handle them. The little dragon eventually learns how to be more compassionate and discovers that playing together is always more fun! Both of my...
I stumble my way through the Spanish translations – trying to act casual. My son, who knows far more Spanish than I do, starts correcting me and helping me to pronounce the difficult words. He’s not using it as a “look what I know, silly old man” moment, thankfully, but more of a “here’s the correct way to say it, now let’s get back to the story.” That’s interesting to think about, the language didn’t matter, it was all about the story. To him, it was just another way of sharing the new adventures of a dog in a sombrero...
El Perro con Sombrero A Bilingual Doggy Tale Recently, I have been doing a lot of volunteering at my kids school. This has given me the opportunity to get to know not only the children in my kids classes, but also many students throughout the school. I help to run a reading program that provides free books to all the Pre- K students; its one of my favorite ways to help out. The shock and excitement that you see in these young readers eyes when they realize they get to keep a brand new book is inspiring. The books are all be...
I am very excited to announce that I will be reviewing a new book by Derek Kent, El Perro con Sombrero! “Derek Taylor Kent is an author, screenwriter, performer and director based in Los Angeles. Best known for his children’s books, his best-selling, award-winning books are treasured in hundreds of thousands of homes across the world. He and his wife, author Sheri Fink (pictured to the left), are the founders of Whimsical World, an empowering children’s brand that publishes books and produces whimsical merchandise, inspiring entertainment, and magical experiences for children of all ages.” This review will be part of the...
Way down yonder in New Orleans… Last week I was lucky enough to be a part of the Annual Dad 2.0 Summit this time located in the breathtaking Crescent City. This was my third (say what!?) Summit and I felt like I was prepared to handle the rigors of countless speakers, panel discussions, and workshops. Loading up on my vitamins (thanks Smartypants!), hand sanitizer, and Ibuprofen, I made my way down to The Big Easy. Being a Stay at Home Dad, I love being surrounded by fathers who care so deeply about changing the perception of modern fatherhood. The conversations...
Congratulations, you have done it! We can officially close the books on Father’s Day 2017! It looks like, once again, you have been crowned the World’s Greatest Dad, and you have the mug or t-shirt to prove it! But what now, what next? The meat has been cooked, hugs have been given, and the beer has now been drunk. Oh, hello reality, hello routine! You were hiding behind my tall friend, Father’s Day. How do we become the #1 Dad that the card on our table claims us to be? When life goes back to normal, and the parade has...
Running is my time to think about everything- and, eventually, nothing. The Zen moment that is reached makes my early mornings stuffing lunch sacks through my late nights up with a sick kid, all worth while. It’s not that I run out of things to think about- its getting to that place where I am thinking solely about the NOW. How do my knees feel? Is that left calf loosing up or is it still tight and messing with my stride? Look, that lime green light seems to bounce off the pool of water next to the trail! I tend...
Bodies being carried out of rubble pop up on the TV screen. The sounds of families wailing over the death of a loved one pour into our living room. I look for the remote in order to quickly change the channel to more age appropriate show. A cartoon – hell, even Jessie. Only I can’t find the remote, of course. My kids hungry eyes, thirsty for information, soak up this tragedy that is playing out on the screen. I stop looking for the remote and start staring at the gruesome scene. Those poor people. I stand up and turn the...